Book 7 expands on some of the blues piano techniques you learned earlier. Youlllearn lots of ways to spice up your playing, and how to improvise blues piano overthe rhythms you' ve been practising since book 2. To top it off you will be taught fake stride' and a terific version of The Entertainer!
"Dear IRONSUIT Management, I did a little tinkering and... It powered up. Everything works! It fits great. It feels great. The light-up eyes are fantastic. This is my suit for Comic-Con, San Diego, California. This, to be honest, is probabl...
Now Anyone Can Learn Piano or Keyboard,Join over a quarter of a MILLION Happy Students Worldwide,Imagine being able to sit down at a piano and just PLAY – Ballads, Pop, Blues, Jazz, Ragtime, even amazing Classical pieces? Now you can...
Of course all of this is an abbreviated explanation and it's not going to happen that quickly, in fact it takes weeks. But when you compare that to the much slower “vaporize, scar, heal, and vaporize again” laser approach to ink removal...
Whether you can’t play a note – or you play a bit but want to improve – or maybe you play another instrument and want to diversify – or if you can read sheet music but can’t play by ear or even if you want to teach others – Pian...
Learn more piano chords using amazing memory tricks and play some great practice progressions in the style of popular songs. Learn to change chords at speed using Inversions.A special piano chord chart and some speed learning exercises will...
Infection risk,What happens to your body when it's knocked out of its natural balance? Opportunists quickly take advantage. And that's exactly what happens after a laser session that leaves your skin cells weak and unable to protect themsel...
Sight reading sheet music is ESSENTIAL for your future learning because it opens a vast realm of musical knowledge for you to draw upon. Because Pianoforall teaches you how to Play By Ear AND sight read sheet music you will learn so much mo...
Coverups can do a lot more than you think You may think that covering up Jessica or Cassondra in block letters would be a difficult job. You might be surprised. Oftentimes we can hide these in dragons or other extremely complex designs. If...
Natural vs laser removal,You probably already know that laser tattoo removal is currently the "hot thing" on TV and local billboards. Heck I probably wouldn't of just done it myself if it wasn't so expensive! But Dorian really goes into the...