The Perfect Solution,to your needs,Many piano methods teach you how to play very old traditional tunes because they are free from copyright. I HATE that! Who wants to play (or listen to) a plonk plonk version of ‘Oh Suzanna’?
Whether you can’t play a note – or you play a bit but want to improve – or maybe you play another instrument and want to diversify – or if you can read sheet music but can’t play by ear or even if you want to teach others – Pian...
"Dear IRONSUIT Management, I did a little tinkering and... It powered up. Everything works! It fits great. It feels great. The light-up eyes are fantastic. This is my suit for Comic-Con, San Diego, California. This, to be honest, is probabl...
Play great rhythm style piano straight away with pianochords,10 classic party rhythms,a terrific piano chord ballad, lots of keyboard diagrams, tricks, blufs, formulas and loads of progressions in the style of classic songs. Within days you...
Coverups can do a lot more than you think You may think that covering up Jessica or Cassondra in block letters would be a difficult job. You might be surprised. Oftentimes we can hide these in dragons or other extremely complex designs. If...
Accelerated exfoliation.Did you know that your skin exfoliates on its own, without you doing anything? It's true, in fact the layers of skin that you see are actually dead. That's why you can rub a fingernail against your skin and not even ...
Use your knowledge of chords to create a great piano ballad style and apply it to melodies in 3 easy steps. Learn to improvise and create your own melodies-the fun way! By the end of the book you will be playingsome terrific songs. This is...
Tattoo removal: what to expect in terms of cost "Hey Dorian, can you give me a breakdown of the cost to expect with tattoo removal methods?" When you're looking at laser-based methods, you're paying for an initial consultation followed by...
You learn how to read music with no effort Pianoforall uses a unique combination of Keyboard Diagrams, Musical Notation, Audio and Video so that you learn by a process of ‘Visual Association’ – in other words you learn it FIRST using ...
The thing I love about home based removal methods is that they reinvigorate the skin as well. Laser takes away, but exfoliation methods add fresh new layers of skin using safe, skin healthy ingredients. For example my aloe vera gel method n...